Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Andy Borowitz

This is the first of many items that have definite possibilities to be posted today.  Unfortunately, I have limited authorized resource on my Gmail account, and only send this message, and maybe one more out to the total number of listed readers.   So enjoy this, and needed, pay attention to the news on the Special Prosecutor's report (Jack Smith, ) and the hearing on the fitness of the nominee for Defense Secretary, and many other items of interest, including the Los Angeles area fires.

The Borowitz Report borowitzreport@substack.com 

4:12 AM (5 hours ago)
to me
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Sarah Silbiger/Getty Images

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—District of Columbia officials confirmed on Tuesday that they are constructing a fence around a federal government building to keep a sexual predator 500 feet away from the public.

With a Monday deadline for completion of the barrier fast approaching, the calls to "build the wall" have only grown louder.

"Once we got official word last week that the felon in question would not be going to prison, we immediately got to work on the fence," D.C. spokesman Harland Dorrinson said. "We're doing everything we can to keep people safe."

D.C. residents praised the decision to build the fence, but warned that one is still needed around the Supreme Court.

Juan Matute
The Harold Wilke House 
Claremont, California

"Think of how dumb the average person is, and realize half of them are dumber than that." — George Carlin

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