Saturday, September 8, 2018

Andy Borowitz

Trump Demands to Know Who Put "Entering Crazytown" Sign on Oval Office Door

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Donald J. Trump demanded on Friday that Attorney General Jeff Sessions investigate who put a sign reading "Entering Crazytown, U.S.A." on the door to the Oval Office.

Trump reportedly noticed the sign for the first time Friday morning, and became enraged after asking Kellyanne Conway, the counsellor to the President, to read what it said to him.

According to White House insiders, determining the creator of the sign could prove difficult, because between seventy and a hundred White House staffers have been known to use the word "Crazytown" to describe their work environment.

"Whoever put that sign on my door has committed treason against the United States," Trump told reporters, before turning away and revealing that someone had put a Post-it reading "President Stupidpants" on his back.


"I fell in love with my country when I was a prisoner in someone else's."
- John McCain

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