Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Something to Know - 17 July


I have been up in the High Sierras, at a Jazz Festival, and it's been a slow process in getting back into the news, after being away for a week.  It makes me wonder if it is all worth trying to understand, but .......

1.  For those of you who dabble in Economics, Paul Krugman carries on his side of the debate:

2.  After all the hysteria and speculation on the enactment of the Affordable Care Act, we are now beginning to see some of the actual results of its implementation:

3.  This is not an op-ed of any sort, but it reveals an interesting page of old-world military weaponry in an old-world mindset with a decadent result:

4.  Once in a while, Thomas Friedman comes through with something that is worthwhile.  In this piece, he elevates the topics and evidence of the GeeOpie Party of Stupid beyond that which Bobby Jindal spoke:

5.  This piece from The New Yorker is quite entertaining.  Do you remember Keith Olbermann?   Are you ready for a longer read?   Then, this is for you:


If you ask me anything I don't know, I'm not going to answer.   
-- Yogi Berra

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