Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Something to Know - 31 December

I received a response on HCR's tribute to Jimmy Carter, from a good friend and college classmate.    He is now a retired History professor, specializing in Latin America and its politics, and has authored several books, and continues his research and writing.   After reading yesterday's HCR tribute to Jimmy Carter, he was inspired to add more to the subject for you to read.   I could not quite figure out how to set this up for presentation, and tried several approaches, but I could not do it well.  So, it is going out to all of you readers in the same way I got it:

Juan, thanks for sending out the great tribute to Jimmy Carter.
There is one aspect of his legacy that gets very little attention. I have written about it in my book Latin America in the Era of the Cuban Revolution and Beyond, 3rd edition (Praeger, 2018--4th edition coming soon). His action in demanding that the state terrorist government (the "dirty war", 1978-1983) of Argentina allow the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to conduct a visit to check on the alleged mass disappearances (30,000 estimated) was the first step--and the decisive one--in the regime's demise.
I am a primitive in computers, but am assisted by a former grad student, Angela Moor. I have given her your email and she will send the appropriate section of ch. 10 (on state terrorism), pp 19-26. Carter's action is on p. 25.
I hope you will circulate this in your blog. I just want people to know this concrete case of Jimmy Carter's embrace of human rights having a concrete result.
Many thanks, Tom

So, here is the section of Tom Wright's book on Latin America in the Era of the Cuban Revolution and Beyond  that he is referring to.  You will need to download this to your own device and then read from there.   If you have trouble accessing it, let me know and I will copy and send it to you upon your request.

Dear Juan,

Please find attached an excerpt from chapter 10 about Argentina. The section on Jimmy Carter begins on the bottom of page 5.

Juan Matute
The Harold Wilke House 
Claremont, California


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