Joe Biden brought us out of the helter skelter dystopia of Donald Trump. Trump had designs to stay in power through any authoritarian means, and almost pulled it off. Thankfully, there still existed some believers in the Constitution and the Rule of Law. The Biden administration was able to steer the economy in a new direction that reflected the ability of the government to show that it was a much better forward than antiquated trickle-down economic principles, and made it work that created a booming economy. That being said, in his reelection campaign, Joe had a very difficult time convincing many voters that Democracy was the only way to a better future. That was a tough sell to generations of voters who had been the subject of a crude but crafty story that the government was the main cause of all their problems. Enough of the voting public bought that line, and the scenario was nothing but a breeding ground for a distrust in government. With the changes that the Democrats made in leadership, a fresh new face emerged that brought a brand of excitement that has not been seen in a long time. Joe was a visionary with an inability to express himself in a way that was needed. HCR today is all about this and more. She explains the evolutionary changes in the Republican and Democrat parties, and how the Democrats have arrived in giving a battered down electorate the power to move forward.
And we also have Andy Borowitz today
Juan Matute
The Harold Wilke House
Claremont, California
(New link as of 08 August)
- click on it)
― The Lincoln Project
― The Lincoln Project
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