Saturday, June 29, 2024

Something to Know - 29 June

The previous email was a mistake, and did not come out as intended.   So, toss that one and try this.   This is what should have been:

Just for Xeets and Giggles (06.29.24)

I'll bet you could use a few laughs after this past week. Fortunately for us all, there was mirth to be found amidst the madness!

The debate was on everyone's mind going into this week, just as it is for many coming out of it. Folks had suggestions for the Biden Campaign (which perhaps they should have taken!) about how to treat Trump's criminality. Good pointers for the future!


Here was a similar take:


Yes, Trump is a felon, and we all had the same nagging question:


And on a related note,


There was a shark theme for the debate as well, for obvious reasons.


This is more or less how I felt:


As the debate got underway, it was clear Joe Biden was off his game and sounding sick. But there was also this, captured well by the Divine Miss M herself:


The best fodder for memes came when Donald Trump insisted that millions of illegal immigrants were entering the country and taking "Black jobs."

Excuse me?


Folks had thoughts, even over in the House.


On Black Twitter, there was a collection of what people thought Trump meant by that. Click here to see the epic scroll.


I would add, "President of the U.S." to this list!

Another memorable moment came when the two rivals began talking about their golf games. And so this was inevitable but also damn near perfect:


And this take made me chuckle because so true.


In case you missed it, our favorite from Trump's presidency is back. Yay Sarah Cooper!


The Daily Show pulled out a sock puppet to show how ridiculous undecided, uninformed voters are these days.


Trump said some weird shit again, and it just had to be put into historical context.


This is an old meme but it made the rounds in response:


His followers keep putting up ominous villain images, so ridicule was in order.


And if you think about it for just a moment, this is totes on point.


I count on voluntary paid subscriptions to keep this newsletter going! If you love the laughs each weekend and the analysis each week, push this button today!

Weeks later and they keep coming for Stormy Daniels, but she serves it right back and hard.


Project 2025 should get more play in the news, but maybe some piquant humor will help raise awareness.


It's the gold MAGA high tops that are *chef's kiss* here.

Don Jr. took a weird picture of him and a snake so it just had to be said, and said perfectly, by Ron Filipkowski of MeidasTouch:


The Ten Commandments haven't been in the news so much since Old Testament days. This is both true and sad.


Folks had thoughts about the school posting requirement.


Here are some pro-tips on how to deal with the Ten Commandments mandate.


The Supreme Court came out with some horrible opinions this week, including a power grab to seize power from regulatory agencies and place it with the courts. You know, because they're such experts in sciencing.


There were also primaries in places like Colorado.


As George Takei would say, "Oh myyy!"

The war between Apple and Elon Musk heated up. And so did the commentary.


Speaking of Twitter, there was this Supreme Court footnote.


I'm still calling it Twitter, too, for the record.

Since Pride Month is coming to a close, we fully expected people worked up about the month to pull some nonsense. We were not disappointed. Example:

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