Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Andy Borowitz

Andy's contribution today is classic.   Andy is one of the best satirists around, but this hits to the heart of dislike.   This is especially meaningful to those of us who were young enough to experience the inevitability of being called to service as a draftee or willingly volunteer.   We did our time, and paid a price.   To be reminded of cadet bone spur only confirms our feelings:

The Borowitz Report borowitzreport@substack.com 

4:06 AM (5 hours ago)
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Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images

QUEENS, NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—In what has become a Memorial Day tradition for him, on Monday Donald J. Trump laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Podiatrist.  

Trump made his annual pilgrimage to pay homage to the heroic doctors who issued bogus diagnoses to ensure that their privileged patients never answered the call of duty.

In an emotional tribute, Trump thanked the fallen foot specialists who bravely risked their medical licenses so that others facing military service could be free.

Choking back tears, he said, "They gave everything so people like me could give nothing."

Juan Matute
     (New link as of 18 May )
 - click on it)
― The Lincoln Project

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