Saturday, November 11, 2023

Something to Know - 11 November

Biden has begun his campaign against the presumptive opposition.  HCR contrasts the difference between the two candidates, and where they are going and what they are planning to do.   It is now clear.  Trump has indicated that he will engage in a revenge on any and all who he felt were not loyal to him.   He also plans on destroying our Constitution and installing an authoritarian regime.   Biden has directly named Trump in his comments, so you can infer that he is serious about taking him on.

Heather Cox Richardson from Letters from an American Unsubscribe

to me

For months now it has felt weirdly as if life in the United States of America is playing out on a split screen. That sense is very strong tonight.

On one side is a country that in the past three years has invested in its people more completely than in any era since the 1960s. The American Rescue Plan, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the CHIPS and Science Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act jump-started the U.S. economy after the devastation of the coronavirus pandemic; are rebuilding our roads, bridges, harbors, and internet infrastructure; have attracted $200 billion in private investment for chip manufacturing; and have invested billions in addressing the effects of climate change. 

All of these changes need workers, and the economy emerged from the coronavirus pandemic with extraordinary growth that reached 4.9% in the last quarter and has seen record employment and dramatic wage gains. Median household wealth has grown by 37% since the pandemic, with wages growing faster at the bottom of the economy than at the top.

Yesterday, President Biden, in a buoyant mood, reflected this America when he congratulated members of the United Auto Workers in Belvidere, Illinois, for the strong contracts that came from negotiations with the nation's three top automakers—Ford, Stellantis, and General Motors—thanks to the UAW workers' 46-day graduated strike. The union demanded the automakers make up the ground that workers had ceded years ago when the plants were suffering.

The final contracts that emerged from long negotiations gave workers wage gains of 30% over the next four and a half years, better retirement security, more paid leave, commitments that automakers would create more union jobs, union coverage for workers at electric vehicle battery plants—the lack of that protection had been a key reason autoworkers had been skittish about electric vehicles—and a commitment from Stellantis to reopen the Jeep Cherokee plant in Belvidere that had been shuttered in February. 

The UAW's success is already affecting other automakers. As workers at non-union plants begin to explore unionization, Honda and Toyota have already announced wage hikes to match those in the new UAW contracts, and Subaru is hinting it will do the same. 

Biden had worked hard to get the Belvidere plant reopened, and he joined the UAW picket line—the first president to do such a thing. He told the autoworkers that he ran for the presidency "to…bring back good-paying jobs that you can raise a family on, whether or not you went to college, and give working families more breathing room. And the way to do that is to invest in ourselves again, invest in America, invest in American workers.  And that's exactly what we've done."

In Belvidere, Biden and UAW president Shawn Fain cut a selfie video. In it, Biden says: "[Y]ou know, the middle class built this country, but unions built the middle class. And when unions do well, everybody does well. The economy does well." Fain adds: "And this is what happens when working class people come together and stand together. Stand united. You know, one of the best things I've ever seen in my life was seeing a sitting U.S. president visit striking workers on the picket line. That goes a long way for showing where this president stands with working-class people." Biden says: "Well, I want to tell you, from where I stood, you did a hell of a job, pal." Fain answers: "Yep. Back at you." 

In contrast to this optimistic can-do vision that is making American lives better is the other side of the screen: that of former president Trump and the MAGA Republicans who have doubled down on supporting him.  

In Ohio, after voters on Tuesday approved an amendment to the state constitution protecting abortion rights, Republicans are calling the amendment "ambiguous" and trying to remove it from the jurisdiction of the courts. They want to make the legislature—which they dominate thanks to gerrymandering—the only body that can decide what the measure means. They are openly trying to override the decision of the voters.

In Washington, Republicans have empowered Christian extremist Mike Johnson (R-LA) to lead the House of Representatives as speaker, and today we learned that outside his office he displays a flag associated with the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) network that wants to place the United States government under the control of right-wing Christians. On January 6, 2021, rioters took these flags with them into the U.S. Capitol.

Johnson is also associated with a right-wing movement to call a convention of states to rewrite the Constitution. 

In The Bulwark on Wednesday, A. B. Stoddard noted that the Republican Party's surrender to its MAGA wing is nearly complete. Today, Representative Elise Stefanik (R-NY), who is the third most powerful Republican in the House, illustrated that capitulation when she filed a five-page letter to the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct. Stefanik's letter drew on an article from the right-wing Breitbart media outlet to accuse Judge Arthur Engoron and his principal law clerk of being partisan operatives. Engoron is presiding over the New York fraud trial of former president Trump and the Trump Organization. 

Legal analyst Lisa Rubin noted that Stefanik's position as a member of Congress shields her from Freedom of Information Act requests, meaning that journalists will be unable to uncover whether members of Trump's legal defense worked with her to produce the letter. And while the mistrial motion that observers like Rubin expected to see Trump defenders produce could be dismissed quickly by Engoron himself, a complaint to the state's judicial conduct commission will hang out there until the commission meets again. 

Undermining their opponents through accusations of impropriety has been a mainstay of the Republicans since the 1990s, and it is a tactic Trump likes to use. In this case, it illustrates that Stefanik, an official who swore to defend the Constitution, has abandoned the defense of our legal system and is instead embracing Trump's efforts to tear it down. 

Meanwhile, the inability of the Republicans to figure out a way to fund the government has led the credit-rating agency Moody's to downgrade the outlook for the credit rating of the United States today from "stable" to "negative." Moody's expressed concern about the fight over the debt limit last spring, the removal of House speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), and the rising threat of a government shutdown.

All of this plays into the hands of former president Donald Trump, who is eager to return to the White House. From there, he promises, he will take revenge on those he thinks have wronged him. 

John Hendrickson of The Atlantic was at Trump's political rally in Hialeah, Florida, on Wednesday, where the former president railed against those "coming into our country," people he compared to "Hannibal Lecter," a fictional serial killer who ate his victims. Trump said that under Biden, the U.S. has become "the dumping ground of the world," and he attacked the "liars and leeches" who have been "sucking the life and blood" out of the country. He also attacked the "rotten, corrupt, and tyrannical establishment" of Washington, D.C.

Hendrickson called it a "dystopian, at times gothic speech [that] droned on for nearly 90 minutes." 

It was a sharp contrast to Biden's speech in Belvidere.

"We have more to do, but we're finally building an economy that works for the people—working people, the middle class—and, as a consequence, the entire country," Biden said. "When I look out at all of you and the communities like Belvidere, I see real heroes of your story—you know, you and the American worker, you're the American people.

"Because of you, I can honestly say—and I mean this from the bottom of my heart—I've never been more optimistic about America's future than I am today…. Donald Trump often says…, 'We are now a failing nation. We're a nation in decline.'"

"But that's not what I see," Biden said. "I know this country. I know what we can do if folks are given half a chance. That's why I'm so optimistic about our future. We just have to remember who we are. We are the United States of America. There is nothing beyond our capacity if we work together."  


The Bulwark
THERE ARE PROBABLY plenty of Derby days ahead back home for Sen. Mitch McConnell, but his time as the longest-running Senate party leader in history is coming …
3 days ago · 309 likes · A.B. Stoddard


Q. What is the difference between a law-abiding gun owner and a criminal?

A.  The .2 of a second that it takes to pull a trigger.

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