Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Something to Know - 16 September (the other day of Mexican Independence that Gringos never remember or associate with drinking Margaritas)

Ben Sargent

1.  Andrew Bacevich tells it like it is.  Obama is proposing that we do the same old game, that does provide some semblance of doing something, but really nothing in the long term:

2.  The current Ebola crisis is something that has happened before.  You'd think that some preparation of a program to combat it would have been developed to meet future such events.  Nah, you are wrong.   This is kind of like the ISIS or ISIL virus.  It is whack-a-mole every time it comes up - by David Brooks:

3.  If the feel-good stories, Mickey Mouse Club memories, and Cisco and Tonto riding off into the sunset are your form of youthful escape, this piece by Roger Cohen is just the opposite.  Warning, this will surely depress you:

I have the true feeling of myself only when I am unbearably unhappy.
-- Franz Kafka  

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