Saturday, June 14, 2014

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl

CNN Breaking News

5:21 PM (4 hours ago)

The U.S. Army has appointed a two-star general to investigate how and why Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl left his base in Afghanistan, resulting in his capture, a senior defense official says. 

Bergdahl spent five years in captivity until his release about two weeks ago, in exchange for five Taliban figures held at the U.S. military detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Bergdahl returned to the United States -- specifically to an Army medical facility in San Antonio, Texas -- early Friday.

This is interesting.  Under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, there are three type of Court Martial.   A General Court Martial is what most people, who have seen the movies, are familiar with.   However, there are two others.   A Special Court Martial is one that is comprised of three or more officers and a military judge, and a Summary Court Martial is just one officer who does all the judge, jury, and decision.  In my Army days, I was a Summary Court officer, so you can assume that it is just the lower-end of the seriousness spectrum.   The appointment by the Pentagon of a two-star officer to investigate, as it is being done in this instance, is to investigate the matter to determine if in fact an actual military infraction has, or has not occurred.  If there is an issue that is violation of proper conduct, then this two-star officer will refer the matter to the appropriate degree of military justice.   For more information on this process, here is a good link: -    Now, it may be wise for the goons-on-the-couch at Fox News to shut up and let this matter be handled as it should be.

I tried being reasonable, I didn't like it.
-- Clint Eastwood

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