1. This Business Week article engages on the effects of head injuries and what it is and will be doing to the business of the National Football League:
2. The pending issue of Scotland separating from The United Kingdom poses big hurdles, obstacles, and problems. In particular, there will be heightened questions involving other countries (such as Spain), where issues of separatism are rife. Perhaps Texas, Arizona, and the Tea Party should pay attention. Do you think that Texas, if it separates, would petition to join the United Nations?:
4. Here is where the chicken-shit (sorry, I cannot find a more appropriate phrase), Republicans try and kill the will of the peoples' efforts to regulate a financial industry that almost brought us down, and which continues to find ways to rip us off:
5. If you are familiar with the Hobby Lobby situation where the owner of the company refuses to cover family planning and birth control issues for his employees in their insurance benefit, you will be interested in this Bill Keller article on the moral and legal implications that will probably wind up in the Supreme Court:
6. The party that Gov. Jindal wants to prevent from being "stupid" seems hell-bent on keeping the populace ignorant. In its bi-furcated sense of reasoning, the Republican stupidity, really is doubly stupid:
7. After the Civil War, slavery was abolished. To meet the labor needs of industry in the south (from Virginia on down), crappy laws that made the slightest frowned upon behavior (no job, or the appearance that you could not pay your debts, or hanging around bars..and about 150 other offenses) one could be arrested and thrown in jail and commanded to pay a fine. If you could not pay the fine, you were sent by the state to prison. However, the prison really did not shack you up in a brick-and-mortar facility. You were assigned to a labor gang, which a sawmill or farm operator paid the state for the supply of labor. The more that such unskilled labor was needed, the more the need to find people to send to "prison". Now, today, with the advent of prisons-for-profit, there now exists a need to drag people to jail and house them. The state of California, and just about every state in the union has these for-profit prison operations. Those prisons are built by private companies, and are staffed and run by private corporations. Each county or state must guarantee an occupancy factor to the private operators, and so the state has to find enough prisoners to put in those cells. It really sounds like a sick operation, but that is what is happening folks. This is the way privatization of jails and prisons makes money. Crime is Big Business - and we the tax payers are funding every bit of it:
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